Charge Accounts

Charge Accounts

In addition to accepting cash, checks, credit, debit and gift cards, we also offer our own in house charge accounts. Simply complete our credit application and agreement and mail it to us at P.O. Box 473, Unionville, CT 06085-0545.

Our accounts operate on a monthly billing cycle. At the end of each month, you will be sent a statement. Statements are available by email or mail. Payment is due by the end of the month (e.g. January's charges are to be paid by February 28th). In addition, on our charge accounts, we offer a prompt pay discount if you pay by the 10th of the month (e.g. January's charges by February 10th). Our charge accounts must be paid by cash or check. Invoices are sent with our month end statement. In addition, you can elect to have invoices emailed to you daily or weekly.